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CV19 News

Trust the Science. Quality news topics often censored by Big Tech and Big Pharma about Covid19, 5G, vaccines, and biotech.

CV19 News

Born out of necessity from the Covid19 PLANdemic of 2019/20, CV19News aims to bring you original and republished third party editorial content that is often too dangerous to be told to the masses by the official governmental services corporations, controlled mainstream media channels, and bought-off scientific organizations that have trillions of dollars at stake to protect their "official" conspiracy theory. Republication is done to preserve valuable content that seems to be mysteriously disappearing from the internet and social media platforms due to concerted efforts by silicon valley tech giants and their "fact-checkers".

As the founder, developer, medical researcher, investigative reporter, and editor-in-chief of CV19News, it is my passion and responsibility to uncover the hidden rabbit holes and bunny trails that lead us to the truth. I have a unique ability to connect disparate, seemingly-unconnected dots that uncover hidden patterns which ultimately expose the real conspiracy hiding in plain sight. The trouble is, most people aren't trained to see it. The Nazi's taught us that a lie told loud enough, often enough, and long enough eventually becomes the truth in the minds of the public.

My talent is in seeing the facts for what they are and then compiling them into a cohesive logical story that the typical unaware person can at least understand, then comprehend as plausible, and hopefully come to believe.

For over 30 years, I have amassed unique knowledge about finance, the law, global politics, the occult, numerology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, technology, 5G smart tech, military weaponry, global warming, religion, nutrition, constitutional & common law, and most recently the medical sciences including vaccines, nanotechnology, virology, biology, and biotechnology.

From August 2020 to February 2022, I was a regular freedom speaker at over 35 rallies and private seminar events in Calgary, Olds, Strathmore, and Rosebud. I have also held countless training webinars for freedom groups and have spoken to dozens of medical professionals, not one of which disagreed with my premises and findings.  With over 6000 hours of research over nearly 3 years into the Covid con, I am likely one of the most well-researched dot-connectors in North Amercia regarding the Covid plandemic. 

My seminal online publication, The Covid Report, is nearly 300 pages of evidence that proves the point beyond a shadow of a doubt that Covid-19 IS a planned deception of the globailists behind the Agenda 2030 global control program. You can read the book for free on the website and make a donation to support its eventual print release.

I am proud to support the work of Benita Pedersen at All fired Up for Freedom!


Arnold (AJ) Jameson

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