How can you take action against tyranny? There are a number of ways to get started:
- Drive past events that are going on and honk your horn in support. Today people in support of freedom will be gathering in front of CBC Edmonton from 1-3 PM. Then we are marching downtown with our signs that read MY BODY MY CHOICE, NO MANDATORY INJECTIONS, and NO VACCINE PASSPORTS. If you support the work we are doing, drive past and honk.
- Attend events and connect with people. Bring some prepared papers or cards that list your name, email address, and phone number and give them out to people whom you get a good feeling about. Trust your gut instinct. This is a spiritual war. Listen to the spirit inside you that guides you. Today you have the opportunity to meet PPC candidate Brock and many others who are freedom supporters. If it feels right, exchange contact information with those you meet.
- Actively participate in events. Make and bring signs and offer them to other attendees. Bring drums and megaphones to the march. Dress for the weather and bring refreshments to support yourself and others. For Monday’s event at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, we are asking that people compose letters and share them by hanging them on trees somehow, and/or posting them in the ground. Lay flowers on the sidewalk and steps. This event is to acknowledge those who have suffered in some way due to the restrictions. Each letter represents someone who has suffered. Share the stories of stress, financial strain, mental health crisis, opioid deaths, suicide, and more. You can write letters on behalf of yourself and/or others. In the letters, a heartfelt message would be most meaningful with a name at the bottom. With that being said, recognize that these letters will be shared publicly so if you don’t feel comfortable signing your name, leave that part out. We encourage people to start arriving as early as 1 PM Monday and start putting the letters on display. We will use the trees and the grass in front of Royal Alexandra Hospital and leave the letters for two days for all to view.
- Take action regarding the underground network. We are organizing a food supply chain for the unvaccinated and an underground medical system for all of those who have lost trust in the conventional system. We need more volunteers to help get this organized. Identify how you can contribute to it and reach out to those with whom you have already established trust and get the plans started. Start gathering the things we need such as medical supplies and equipment. Connect with your network of supporters. Be very careful about the information you share and who you share it with. Sometimes we end up with people in our networks who leak our sensitive information purposefully or accidentally. You may want to “vet” people, so to speak, as you are building your networks. You may find it helpful to establish a rating system for all of your contacts. Here is a sample system you can consider using: 
- A/Green Trust Level 100%. This person has never given you reason to distrust them. You would trust them with your life, your wallet, your children.
- B/Blue Trust Level 80%. This person has basically proven themselves trustworthy to you thus far. For the most part, they have been reliable and consistent. However, you have not yet known them long enough to trust them 100%.
- C/Yellow - Trust Level 50%. This is most of the people that you meet. You do not know yet whether they are trustworthy or untrustworthy. You simply do not know. It is still worth it to share information with these folks about events. But you would not give them any delicate information until you know them better.
- D/Orange -Trust Level 20%. This is someone who has given you reason to distrust them. Perhaps they have been inconsistent. Perhaps your gut feeling tells you to be cautious with them. Listen to your intuition. You can still associate with them, share information with them about some events, but you don’t give them any delicate information. you keep them at arms length, in general.
- E/Red - Trust Level 0%. This is someone who has proven themselves to be destructive in some way to either to you, and/other freedom fighters, or to the freedom movement in general. These are the people who attempt to create resentment between freedom fighter groups and individuals. These are the people who are working against unity. What you do with these people is you pretend to be their friend. You pretend to be their ally. But you use great caution in the information you share with them. You still demonstrate support for them, in some ways. With these folks, you remember the phrase: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This label of E/Red is also for all of those folks who are in the other mindset. even if they come forward and claim they have been enlightened and now share our mindset, use great caution. welcome them. Give them information to help them grow. But do not give them any sensitive information until you come to trust them.
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Here are more things you can do as your heart pulls you to get more actively involved in the freedom movement:
- Take initiative and start organizing events. If you imagine an event that would be great, don’t wait for someone else to organize it, get started. Events can take many forms. Enthusiastic rallies, silent protests, standing in solidarity, marches, etc. The things that I think are really important at events are large clear signage and high visibility to lots of traffic. When you have a gathering of people, it is helpful to spread out that gathering over a few intersections so that lots and lots of drive-by traffic see you. Consider small gatherings outside of supermarkets and hand out material to passersby. Consider helping with campaigns. I have a special campaign you can help with, if you are game. Send me a personal message and I will tell you about it. If you are looking for advice or suggestions for your events, I am game to be of assistance. My cellular number to call or text is: 1-780-349-0181. I am also looking at facilitating a workshop entitled: “The Power of One.” This workshop is for freedom fighters who have not yet built or joined a team of people. I want you to realize that there is much you can do on your own. The workshop will give you a whole list of ideas to get you started.
When you are ready to join in as an active freedom fighter in some way, your participation is welcome. We don’t mind that you are joining in at this point. We do not begrudge that you didn’t join us sooner. We are just so happy to have you onboard now.
With all of that being said, I know that some of you are acting from behind the scenes, and that’s OK too. Thank you for your service. I know that we cannot publicly recognize you. But I do thank you and I know you are there.
Love and Light,